We promise it’s not a trick, but rather a treat!

Budgeting can sound like a daunting and tedious task, but thanks to living in the age of technology, there are many free and easy-to-use resources available to help you stay on track with your financial goals. One of the very first things you need to do when starting a budget is determining what your goal is. Whether it’s building up your emergency savings, paying off a sum of debt, saving enough for a big purchase, or allocating more funds to a certain area of spending, writing down why you’re budgeting will help you stay persistent. From here, you can begin actionable steps toward achieving your goal.


There are annual, monthly, and even bi-weekly budgeting spreadsheets available to use in Google Drive. This is a free and easy way to start budgeting at no additional cost! Just simply google “Google spreadsheet budgeting template” and choose from the many options available. Each one will offer a different look and feel, so it’s okay to try out a few and see which works the best for your goals. 


If you’re someone who is looking for easy, on-the-go integration to your banking app, this is the best option for you. There are various spend-tracking apps that will actually sync up with your online banking app and help monitor where your money is being spent. Some banks even have these features built into their app!


This can sometimes be the most difficult part about spending; creating time to go through your checking & savings account to see how you’re really doing on reaching your goal. Many times, we can feel like we’re spending less, but forget to see how all the small things can quickly add up. By carving out some time to review your spending habits on a regular basis, you can quickly learn what does and doesn’t work when it comes to building new and better habits.